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2022-6-10 18:17| 发布者: isky| 查看: 111| 评论: 0

摘要: 附子理中丸:Aconite Root Pill To Regulate The Middle知柏地黄丸:Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, And Rehmannia Pill柏子仁丸:Arborvitae Seed Pill女科柏子仁丸:Arborvitae Seed Pill For Women's Diseases柏子 ...
附子理中丸:Aconite Root Pill To Regulate The Middle
知柏地黄丸:Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, And Rehmannia Pill
柏子仁丸:Arborvitae Seed Pill
女科柏子仁丸:Arborvitae Seed Pill For Women's Diseases
柏子养心汤:Arborvitae Seed Pill To Nourish The Heart
定痫丸:Arrest Seizures Pill
木香槟榔丸:Aucklandia And Betel Nut Pill
香莲丸:Aucklandia And Coptis Pill
香砂枳术丸:Aucklandia, Amomum, Unripe Bitter Orange, And
:Atractylodes Pill
加味肾气丸:Augmented Kidney Qi Pill
加味六味地黄丸:Augmented Six-Ingredient Pill With Rehmannia
加味二妙丸:Augmented Two-Marvel Pill
正骨紫金丹:Bonesetter's Purple-Gold Special Pill
安宫牛黄丸:Calm The Palace Pill With Cattle Gallstone
都气丸:Capital Qi Pill
牛黄上清丸:Cattle Gallstone Pill To Ascend And Clear
朱砂安神丸:Cinnabar Pill To Calm The Spirit
桂枝茯苓丸:Cinnamon Twig And Poria Pill
清金化痰丸:Clear Metal And Transform Phlegm Pill
清气化痰丸:Clear The Qi And Transform Phlegm Pill
布袋丸:Cloth Sack Pill
冷哮丸:Cold Asthma Pill
控涎丹:Control Mucus Special Pill
黄连上清丸:Coptis Pill To Ascend And Clear
鸬鹚涎丸:Cormorant Saliva Pill
愈带丸:Cure Discharge Pill
菟丝子丸:Cuscuta Seed Pill
石斛夜光丸:Dendrobium Pill For Night Vision
化虫丸:Dissolve Parasites Pill
泻青丸:Drain The Green Pill
八仙长寿丸:Eight-Immortal Pill For Longevity
八味地黄丸:Eight-Ingredient Pill With Rehmannia
八珍益母汤:Eight-Treasure Pill To Benefit Mothers
抱龙丸:Embrace Dragon Pill
天王补心丹:Emperor Of Heaven's Special Pill To Tonify The Heart
麻黄等十味丸:Ephedra Pill With Ten Ingredients
越鞠丸:Escape Restraint Pill
活络效灵丹:Fantastically Effective Pill To Invigorate The Collaterals
肥儿丸:Fat Baby Pill
金鉴肥儿丸:Fat Baby Pill
寿胎丸:Fetus Longevity Pill
戊己丸:Fifth And Sixth Heavenly Stem Pill
五仁丸:Five-Seed Pill
滚痰丸:Flushing Away Roiling Phlegm Pill
四生丸:Four-Fresh Pill
四妙丸:Four-Marvel Pill
四神丸:Four-Miracle Pill
澹寮四神丸:Four-Miracle Pill From The Tranquil Hut
良附丸:Galangal And Cyperus Pill
干姜人参半夏丸:Ginger, Ginseng, And Pinellia Pill
交泰丸:Grand Communication Pill
大造丸:Great Creation Pill
大补阴丸:Great Tonify The Yin Pill
大安丸:Great Tranquility Pill
至宝丹:Greatest Treasure Special Pill
祛风至宝丹:Greatest Treasure Special Pill To Dispel Wind
导水丸:Guide Out Water Pill
驻车丸:Halt The Carts Pill
麻子仁丸:Hemp Seed Pill
虎潜丸:Hidden Tiger Pill (Bone Strengthening Pill)
明目地黄丸:Improve Vision Pill With Rehmannia
无比山药丸:Incomparable Dioscorea Pill
玉泉丸:Jade Spring Pill
肾气丸 (八味丸 - Ba Wei Wan):Kidney Qi Pill
壮阳丹:Kidney Yang-Strengthening Pill
左金丸:Left Metal Pill (also known as Left Golden Pill)
苏合香丸:Liquid Styrax Pill
杞菊地黄丸:Lycium Fruit, Chrysanthemum, And Rehmannia Pill
神犀丹:Magical Rhinoceros Special Pill
磁硃丸:Magnetite And Cinnabar Pill
大陷胸丸:Major Sinking Into The Chest Pill
曲麦枳术丸:Medicated Leaven, Barley Sprout,
:Unripe Bitter Orange, And Atractylodes Pill
金锁固精丸:Metal Lock Pill To Stabilize The Essence
小活络丹:Minor Invigorate The Collaterals Special Pill
润肠丸:Moisten The Intestines Pill
月华丸:Moonlight Pill
珍珠母丸:Mother-Of-Pearl Pill
艾附暖宫丸:Mugwort And Aconite Root Pill For Warming The Womb
桑麻丸:Mulberry Leaf And Sesame Seed Pill
乌梅丸:Mume Pill
通关丸:Open The Gate Pill
开心薯蓣肾气丸:Open The Heart With Shu Yu For Kidney Qi Pill
启脾丸:Open The Spleen Pill
痰饮丸:Phelgm And Thin Mucus Pill
耳聋左慈丸:Pill For Deafness That Is Kind To The Left Kidney
响声破笛丸:Pill For The Sound Of A Broken Flute (Voice)
更衣丸:Pill Requiring A Change Of Clothing
上中下通用痛风丸:Pill To Treat Painful Wind Anywhere
半硫丸:Pinellia And Sulphur Pill
茯菟丹:Poria And Cuscuta Special Pill
茯苓丸:Poria Pill
保和丸:Preserve Harmony Pill
驻景丸:Preserve Vistas Pill
保胎资生丸:Protect The Fetus And Aid Life Pill
紫雪丹:Purple Snow Special Pill
消乳丸:Reduce Infantile Stagnation Pill
消炎解毒丸:Reduce Inflammation And Resolve Pill
消瘰丸:Reduce Scrofula Pill
理中化痰丸:Regulate The Middle And Transform Phlegm Pill
理中丸:Regulate The Middle Pill
左归丸:Restore The Left Kidney Pill
右归丸:Restore The Right Kidney Pill
缩泉丸:Restrict The Fountain Pill
大黄蟅虫丸:Rhubarb And Ground Beetle Pill
奔豚丸:Running Piglet Pill
中满分消丸:Separate And Reduce Fullness In The Middle Pill
定志丸:Settle The Emotions Pill
七宝美髯丹:Seven-Treasure Special Pill For Beautiful Beard
六味地黄丸:Six-Ingredient Pill With Rehmannia
六神丸:Six-Miracle Pill
槐角丸:Sophora Japonica Fruit Pill
孔子枕中丹:Special Pill From Confucius’ Pillow
赞育丹:Special Pill To Aid Fertility
回春丹:Special Pill To Restore Life
固经丸:Stabilize The Menses Pill
己椒苈黄丸:Stephania, Zanthoxylum, Tingli Seed, And Rhubarb Pill
健脾丸:Strengthen The Spleen Pill
琥珀多寐丸:Succinum Pill For Promoting Sleep
甘露消毒丹:Sweet Dew Special Pill To Eliminate Toxin
橘杏丸:Tangerine And Apricot Pill
橘核丸:Tangerine Seed Pill
当归龙荟丸:Dang Gui, Gentian, And Aloe Pill
十补丸:Ten-Tonic Pill
三妙丸:Three-Marvel Pill
三仁丸:Three-Seed Pill
三物备急丸:Three-Substance Pill Prepared For Emergencies
搜风顺气丸:Track Down Wind And Smooth The Flow Of Qi Pill
化痰消核丸:Transform Phlegm And Reduce Nodules Pill
跌打丸:Trauma Pill
治中丸:Treat The Middle Pill
二仁丸:Two Seed Pill
二至丸:Two-Solstice Pill
通塞片:Unblock Obstruction Pill
枳术丸:Unripe Bitter Orange And Atractylodes Pill
枳实导滞丸:Unripe Bitter Orange Pill To Guide Out Stagnation
枳实消痞丸:Unripe Bitter Orange Pill To Reduce Focal Distention
枳实理中丸:Unripe Bitter Orange Pill To Regulate The Middle
舟车丸:Vessel And Vehicle Pill
万氏牛黄清心丸:Wan's Cattle Gallstone Pill To Clear The Heart
水陆二仙丹:Water And Earth Immortals Special Pill
青娥丸:Young Maiden Pill (Black Moth Pill)