附子粳米汤:Aconite Root And Glutinous Rice Decoction 附子汤:Aconite Root Decoction 乌头桂枝汤:Aconite And Cinnamon Twig Decoction 乌头汤:Aconite Decoction 羚角钩藤汤:Antelope Horn And Uncaria Decoction 抵当汤:Appropriate Decoction 杏仁滑石汤:Apricot Kernel And Talcum Decoction 杏前葱豉汤:Apricot Kernel, Peucedanum, Spring Onion, And 柏叶汤:Arborvitae Twig Decoction 紫根牡蛎汤:Arnebia And Oyster Shell Decoction 定喘汤:Arrest Wheezing Decoction 阿胶鸡子黄汤:Ass-Hide Gelatin And Egg Yolk Decoction 胶艾汤:Ass-Hide Gelatin And Mugwort Decoction 黄芪桂枝五物汤:Astragalus And Cinnamon Twig Five-Substance Decoction 黄耆建中汤:Astragalus Decoction To Construct The Middle 白朮附子汤:Atractylodes Macrocephala And Aconite Root Decoction 益气聪明汤:Augment The Qi And Increase Acuity Decoction 加味四物汤:Augmented Four-Substance Decoction 加味乌药汤:Augmented Lindera Decoction 加味大柴胡汤:Augmented Major Bupleurum Decoction 加味小陷胸汤:Augmented Minor Decoction For Pathogens Stuck In The Chest 加味麦门冬汤:Augmented Ophiopogonis Decoction 加味白头翁汤:Augmented Pulsatilla Decoction 加味二陈汤:Augmented Two-Aged Herb Decoction 阳和汤:Balmy Yang Decoction 竹沥达痰丸:Bamboo Sap Decoction To Thrust Out Phlegm 射干麻黄汤:Belamcanda And Ephedra Decoction 益气清金汤:Benefit Qi And Clear The Metal Decoction 济川煎:Benefit The River Flow Decoction 益胃汤:Benefit The Stomach Decoction 枳实栀子豉汤:Bitter Orange, Gardenia, And Prepared Soybean Decoction 锦红汤:Brocade Red Decoction 柴胡细辛汤:Bupleurum And Asarum Decoction 柴平汤:Bupleurum And Calm The Stomach Decoction 柴胡桂枝汤:Bupleurum And Cinnamon Twig Decoction 柴胡四物汤:Bupleurum And Four-Substance Decoction 柴葛解肌汤:Bupleurum And Kudzu Decoction To Release The Muscle Layer 柴胡陷胸汤:Bupleurum Decoction For Pathogens Stuck In The Chest 柴胡加芒硝汤:Bupleurum Decoction Plus Mirabilite 柴胡清燥汤:Bupleurum Decoction To Clear Dryness 柴胡清肝汤:Bupleurum Decoction To Clear The Liver 柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤:Bupleurum Plus Dragon Bone And Oyster Shell Decoction 柴胡白虎汤:Bupleurum White Tiger Decoction 柴胡枳桔汤:Bupleurum, Bitter Orange, And Platycodon Decoction 柴胡桂姜汤:Bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig, And Ginger Decoction 胃苓汤:Calm The Stomach And Poria Decoction 牛黄承气汤:Cattle Gallstone Decoction To Order The Qi 易黄汤:Change Yellow Discharge Decoction 升麻葛根汤:Cimicifuga And Kudzu Decoction 桂附理中汤:Cinnamon And Aconite Root Decoction To Regulate The Middle 桂枝人参汤:Cinnamon Twig And Ginseng Decoction 桂枝汤:Cinnamon Twig Decoction 桂枝去芍药汤:Cinnamon Twig Decoction Minus Peony 桂枝加桂汤:Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Cinnamon 桂枝加龙骨牡蛎汤:Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Dragon Bone And Oyster Shell 桂枝加葛根汤:Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Kudzu 桂枝加厚朴杏子汤:Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Magnolia Bark And Apricot Kernel 桂枝加芍药汤:Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Peony 桂枝加附子汤:Cinnamon Twig Plus Aconite Root Decoction 桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤:Cinnamon Twig, Licorice, Dragon Bone, And Oyster Shell Decoction 桂枝芍药知母汤:Cinnamon Twig, Peony, And Anemarrhena Decoction 桂苓五味甘草汤:Cinnamon Twig, Poria, Schisandra, And Licorice Decoction 清湿化痰汤:Clear Dampness And Transform Phlegm Decoction 清带汤:Clear Discharge Decoction 清燥救肺汤:Clear Dryness And Rescue The Lungs Decoction 清暑益气汤:Clear Summerheat And Augment The Qi Decoction 清胆泻火汤:Clear The Gallbladder And Drain Fire Decoction 清心利膈汤:Clear The Heart And Enable The Diaphragm Decoction 清肝达郁汤:Clear The Liver And Thrust Out Constraint Decoction 清肺汤:Clear The Lungs Decoction 清鼻汤:Clear The Nose Decoction 清营汤:Clear The Nutritive Level Decoction 清宫汤:Clear The Palace Decoction 清胰汤:Clear The Pancreas Decoction 清脾汤:Clear The Spleen Decoction 清胃汤:Clear The Stomach Decoction 清咽利膈汤:Clear The Throat And Enable The Diaphragm Decoction 清上防风汤:Clear The Upper Decoction With Saposhnikovia 丁萸理中汤:Clove And Evodia Decoction To Regulate The Middle 丁香柿蒂汤:Clove And Persimmon Calyx Decoction 丁香胶艾汤:Clove, Ass-Hide Gelatin, And Mugwort Decoction 薏苡仁汤:Chinese Barley Decoction 薏苡仁汤:Coix Decoction 十全育真汤:Complete Decoction For Obtaining The True 十全大补汤:Complete Great Tonifying Decoction 导气汤:Conduct The Qi Decoction 建瓴汤:Construct Roof Tiles Decoction ~:Construct The Middle Decoction 黄连阿胶汤:Coptis And Ass-Hide Gelatin Decoction 黄连汤:Coptis Decoction 黄连解毒汤:Coptis Decoction To Resolve Toxicity 延胡索汤:Corydalis Decoction 香贝养荣汤:Cyperus And Fritillaria Decoction To Nourish Luxuriance 香附旋覆花汤:Cyperus And Inula Decoction 香苏葱豉汤:Cyperus, Perilla Leaf, Scallion, And Prepared Soybean Decoction 归耆建中汤:Dang Gui And Astragalus Decoction To Construct The Middle 当归六黄汤:Dang Gui And Six-Yellow Decoction 当归鸡血藤汤:Dang Gui And Spatholobus Decoction 当归四逆汤:Dang Gui Decoction For Frigid Extremities 当归四逆加吴茱萸生姜汤:Dang Gui Decoction For Frigid Extremities Plus Evodia And Fresh Ginger ~:Dang Gui Decoction To Construct The Middle 当归拈痛汤:Dang Gui Decoction To Pry Out Pain 当归补血汤:Dang Gui Decoction To Tonify The Blood 当归贝母苦参丸:Dang Gui, Fritillaria, And Sophora Decoction 散肿溃坚汤:Decoction To Disperse Swelling And Ulcerate What Is Hard 滋阴降火汤:Decoction To Enrich Yin And Direct Fire Downward ~:Decoction To Regulate The Middle 癫狂梦醒汤:Decoction To Wake From The Nightmare Of Insanity 葶苈大枣泻肺汤:Descurainia And Jujube Decoction To Drain The Lungs 宣郁通经汤:Diffuse Constraint And Unblock The Channels Decoction 降氮汤:Direct Nitrogen Downward Decoction 降气化痰汤:Direct Qi Downward And Transform Phlegm Decoction 宣痺汤:Disband Painful Obstruction Decoction 宣肺润肠汤:Disseminate The Lungs And Moisten The Intestines Decoction 宣白承气汤:Disseminate The White And Order The Qi Decoction 宣毒发表汤:Dissipate Toxin And Release The Exterior Decoction 双解加葱豉汤:Double Releasing Decoction With Spring Onions And Prepared Soybeans 泻心导赤汤:Drain The Epigastrium And Guide Out The Red Decoction 泻心汤:Drain The Epigastrium Decoction 泻肝汤:Drain The Liver Decoction 疏肝理脾汤:Dredge The Liver And Regulate The Spleen Decoction 疏肝汤:Dredge The Liver Decoction 疏风活血汤:Dredge Wind And Invigorate The Blood Decoction 膈下逐瘀汤:Drive Out Stasis Below The Diaphragm Decoction 身痛逐瘀汤:Drive Out Stasis From A Painful Body Decoction 少腹逐瘀汤:Drive Out Stasis From The Lower Abdomen Decoction 血府逐瘀汤:Drive Out Stasis From The Mansion Of Blood Decoction 八珍汤:Eight-Treasure Decoction 除湿胃苓汤:Eliminate Dampness Decoction By Combining :Calm The Stomach And Five-Ingredient Powder With Poria 完带汤:End Discharge Decoction 滋肾明目汤:Enrich The Kidneys And Improve Vision Decoction 麻黄汤:Ephedra Decoction 麻黄加朮汤:Ephedra Decoction Plus Atractylodes 麻黄附子细辛汤:Ephedra, Aconite Root , And Asarum Decoction 麻黄附子甘草汤:Ephedra, Aconite Root , And Licorice Decoction 麻黄杏仁薏苡甘草汤:Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, And Licorice Decoction 麻杏石甘汤:Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, And Licorice Decoction 麻黄细辛附子汤:Ephedra, Asarum, And Aconite Root Decoction 中和汤:Decoction Calm The Middle 冲和汤:Penetrating Meridian Calming Decoction 吴茱萸汤:Evodia Decoction 胆道驱蛔汤:Expels Roundworms From The Biliary Tract Decoction 五苓通关汤:Five Ingrediant With Poria Decoction To Open The Gate 五子汤:Five Seed Decoction 五神汤:Five-Divine Decoction 五虎汤:Five-Tiger Decoction 温经汤:Flow-Warming Decoction 四磨汤:Four Milled-Herb Decoction 四君子汤:Four-Gentlemen Decoction 四七汤:Four-Ingredient Decoction For The Seven Emotions 四物汤:Four-Substance Decoction 桃红四物汤:Four-Substance Decoction With Safflower And Peach Pit 芩连四物汤:Four-Substance Decoction With Scutellaria And Coptis 四妙勇安汤:Four-Valiant Decoction For Well-Being 四阴煎:Four-Yin Decoction 生姜甘草汤:Fresh Ginger And Licorice Decoction 生姜泻心汤:Fresh Ginger Decoction To Drain The Epigastrium 四逆汤:Frigid Extremities Decoction 四逆加人参汤:Frigid Extremities Decoction Plus Ginseng 栀子干姜汤:Gardenia And Ginger Decoction 栀子厚朴汤:Gardenia And Magnolia Bark Decoction 栀子柏皮汤:Gardenia And Phellodendron Decoction 栀子豉汤:Gardenia And Prepared Soybean Decoction 栀子大黄汤:Gardenia And Rhubarb Decoction 栀子生姜豉汤:Gardenia, Fresh Ginger, And Prepared Soybean Decoction 栀子甘草豉汤:Gardenia, Licorice, And Prepared Soybean Decoction 栀子芩葛汤:Gardenia, Scutellaria And Kudzu Decoction 生化汤:Generating And Transforming Decoction 龙胆泻肝汤:Gentian Decoction To Drain The Liver 干姜黄连黄芩人参汤:Ginger, Coptis, Scutellaria, And Ginseng Decoction 参附汤:Ginseng And Aconite Root Decoction 人参乌梅汤:Ginseng And Mume Decoction 人参蛤蚧汤:Ginseng And Walnut Decoction 人参泻心汤:Ginseng Decoction To Drain The Epigastrium 人参泻肺汤:Ginseng Decoction To Drain The Lungs 人参养荣汤:Ginseng Decoction To Nourish Luxuriance 人参化斑汤:Ginseng Transform Skin Blotches Decoction 沙参麦门冬汤:Glehnia And Ophiopogonis Decoction 大补元煎:Great Tonify The Primal Decoction 导痰汤:Guide Out Phlegm Decoction 导赤承气汤:Guide Out The Red And Order The Qi Decoction 石膏汤:Gypsum Decoction 桂枝麻黄各半汤:Half Cinnamon Twig And Half Ephedra Decoction 赤石脂禹余粮汤:Halloysite And Limonite Decoction 六和汤:Harmonize The Six Decoction 银翘汤:Honeysuckle And Forsythia Decoction 银花解毒汤:Honeysuckle Decoction To Resolve Toxicity 增液承气汤:Increase The Fluids And Order The Qi Decoction 增液汤:Increase The Fluids Decoction 内疏黄连汤:Internal Dispersing Decoction With Coptis 内流黄连汤:Internal Flow Promoting Decoction With Coptis 内补黄耆汤:Internally Tonifying Decoction With Astragalus 内补当归建中汤:Internally Tonifying Dang Gui Decoction To Construct The Middle 肠宁汤:Intestinal Serenity Decoction 旋覆代赭汤:Inula And Haematite Decoction 旋覆花汤:Inula Decoction 玉液汤:Jade Fluid Decoction 玉女煎:Jade Woman Decoction 甘遂半夏汤:Kansui And Pinellia Decoction 葛根汤:Kudzu Decoction 葛根加半夏汤:Kudzu Decoction Plus Pinellia 葛根黄芩黄连汤:Kudzu, Scutellaria, And Coptis Decoction 甘草附子汤:Licorice And Aconite Root Decoction 甘草干姜汤:Licorice And Ginger Decoction 甘草泻心汤:Licorice Decoction To Drain The Epigastrium 甘草干姜茯苓白朮汤:Licorice, Ginger, Poria And White Atractrylodes Decoction 甘麦大枣汤:Licorice, Wheat, And Jujube Decoction 举元煎:Lift The Source Decoction 百合知母汤:Lily Bulb And Anemarrhena Decoction 百合鸡子黄汤:Lily Bulb And Egg Yolk Decoction 百合地黄汤:Lily Bulb And Rehmannia Decoction 百合固金汤:Lily Bulb Decoction To Preserve The Metal 一贯煎:Linking Decoction 清肝养肾汤:Liver-Clearing and Kidney-Nourishing Decoction 连翘金贝煎:Lonicera, Honeysuckle, And Fritillaria Decoction 竹叶石膏汤:Lophatherum And Gypsum Decoction 竹叶柽柳汤:Lophatherum And Tamarisk Decoction 竹叶玉女煎:Lophatherum Jade Woman Decoction 厚朴温中汤:Magnolia Bark Decoction For Warming The Middle 越婢汤:Maidservant From Yue's Decoction 越婢加朮汤:Maidservant From Yue's Decoction Plus Atractylodes 越婢加半夏汤:Maidservant From Yue's Decoction Plus Pinellia 大青龙汤:Major Bluegreen Dragon Decoction 大柴胡汤:Major Bupleurum Decoction 大建中汤:Major Construct The Middle Decoction 大陷胸汤:Major Decoction For Pathogens Stuck In The Chest 大续命汤:Major Extend Life Decoction 大秦艽汤:Major Large Gentian Decoction 大羌活汤:Major Notopterygium Decoction 大承气汤:Major Order The Qi Decoction 大防风汤:Major Saposhnikovia Decoction 大七气汤:Major Seven-Emotions Decoction 大头瘟汤:Massive Febrile Disorder Of The Head Decoction 雷氏清凉涤暑汤:Master Lei's Decoction To Clear, Cool, And Remove Summerheat 吴氏连梅汤:Master Wu's Coptis And Mume Decoction 小青龙汤:Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction 小青龙加石膏汤:Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction Plus Gypsum 小柴胡汤:Minor Bupleurum Decoction 小建中汤:Minor Construct The Middle Decoction 小陷胸汤:Minor Decoction For Pathogens Stuck In The Chest 小续命汤:Minor Extend Life Decoction 小承气汤:Minor Order The Qi Decoction 小半夏加茯苓汤:Minor Pinellia Plus Poria Decoction 小半夏汤:Minor Pinellia Decoction 小七气汤:Minor Seven-Emotions Decoction 加减导赤泻心汤:Modified Guide Out The Red And Drain The Epigastrium Decoction 加减竹叶石膏汤:Modified Lophatherum And Gypsum Decoction 加减小柴胡汤:Modified Minor Bupleurum Decoction 加减复脉汤:Modified Restore The Pulse Decoction 加减葳蕤汤:Modified Solomon's Seal Decoction 加减补中益气汤:Modified Tonify The Middle To Augment The Qi Decoction 润燥渗湿汤:Moisten Dryness And Leach Out Dampness Decoction 薷杏汤:Mosla And Bitter Almond Decoction 桑杏汤:Mulberry Leaf And Apricot Kernel Decoction 桑丹泻白散:Mulberry Leaf And Moutan Decoction To Drain The White 神秘汤:Mysterious Decoction 新加玉女煎:Newly Augmented Jade Woman Decoction 新加黄龙汤:Newly Augmented Yellow Dragon Decoction 新加三拗汤:Newly Modified Three-Unbinding Decoction 新制橘皮竹茹汤:Newly-Formulated Tangerine Peel And Bamboo Shavings Decoction 九味羌活汤:Nine-Herb Decoction With Notopterygium 羌活胜湿汤:Notopterygium Decoction To Overcome Dampness 养心汤:Nourish The Heart Decoction 养正通幽汤:Nourish The Normal And Unblock The Pylorus Decoction 香沙养胃汤:Nourish The Stomach Decoction With Aucklandia And Amomum 养阴清肺汤:Nourish The Yin And Clear The Lungs Decoction 轻身一方:Obesity-Reducing Formula 一甲复脉汤:One-Shell Decoction To Restore The Pulse 麦门冬汤:Ophiopogonis Decoction 承气养荣汤:Order The Qi And Nourish The Nutritive Decoction 藿朴夏苓汤:Agastache, Magnolia Bark, Pinellia, And Poria Decoction 桃花汤:Peach Blossom Decoction 桃核承气汤:Peach Pit Decoction To Order The Qi 芍药甘草汤:Peony And Licorice Decoction 芍药汤:Peony Decoction 芍药甘草附子汤:Peony, Licorice, And Aconite Root Decoction 苏子降气汤:Perilla Fruit Decoction For Directing Qi Downward 柿蒂汤:Persimmon Calyx Decoction 连梅安蛔汤:Picrorhiza And Mume Decoction To Calm Roundworms 半夏厚朴汤:Pinellia And Magnolia Bark Decoction 半夏秫米汤:Pinellia And Millet Decoction 半夏泻心汤:Pinellia Decoction To Drain The Epigastrium 延年半夏汤:Pinellia Decoction To Extend Life 半夏白术天麻汤:Pinellia, White Atractylodes, And Gastrodia Decoction 猪苓汤:Polyporus Decoction 沉氏猪苓汤:Polyporus Decoction From Master Shen 茯苓甘草汤:Poria And Licorice Decoction 苓桂朮甘汤:Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes, And Licorice Decoction 苓甘五味加姜辛半夏杏仁汤:Poria, Licorice, And Schisandra Plus Ginger, :Asarum, Pinellia, And Apricot Kernel Decoction 苓甘五味姜辛汤:Poria, Licorice, Schisandra, Ginger, And Asarum Decoction 炙甘草汤:Prepared Licorice Decoction 保元汤:Preserve The Primal Decoction 独活寄生汤:Pubescent Angelica And Taxillus Decoction 白头翁汤:Pulsatilla Decoction 白头翁加甘草阿胶汤:Pulsatilla Decoction Plus Licorice And Ass-Hide Gelatin 下瘀血汤:Purge Static Blood Decoction 宁血汤:Quiet The Blood Decoction 升陷汤:Raise The Sunken Decoction 升阳益胃汤:Raise The Yang And Augment The Stomach Decoction 升阳散火汤:Raise The Yang And Disperse Fire Decoction 苇茎汤:Reed Decoction 五叶芦根汤:Reed Decoction With Five Leaves 理中安蛔汤:Regulate The Middle And Calm Roundworm Decoction 调中益气汤:Regulate The Middle To Augment The Qi Decoction 调胃承气汤:Regulate The Stomach And Order The Qi Decoction 连理汤:Regulating Decoction With Coptis 舒经活血汤:Relax The Channels And Invigorate The Blood Decoction 蠲痹汤:Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction 解肝煎:Resolve The Liver Decoction 回阳救急汤:Restore And Revive The Yang Decoction 归脾汤:Restore The Spleen Decoction 复方大承气汤:Revised Major Order The Qi Decoction 复元活血汤:Revive Health By Invigorating The Blood Decoction 犀地透营汤:Rhinoceros And Rhemannia Decoction For Venting The Nutritive Level 犀角地黄汤:Rhinoceros Horn And Rehmannia Decoction 大黄附子汤:Rhubarb And Aconite Root Decoction 大黄甘草汤:Rhubarb And Licorice Decoction 大黄牡丹汤:Rhubarb And Moutan Decoction 大黄连柏汤:Rhubarb, Coptis, And Phellodendron Decoction 圣愈汤:Sage-Like Healing Decoction 海藻玉壶汤:Sargassum Decoction For The Jade Flask 葱豉汤:Scallion And Prepared Soybean Decoction 活人葱豉汤:Scallion And Prepared Soybean Decoction To Safeguard Life 葱豉桔梗汤:Scallion, Prepared Soybean And Platycodon Decoction 荆芥连翘汤:Schizonepeta And Forsythia Decoction 涤痰汤:Scour Phlegm Decoction 黄芩滑石汤:Scutellaria And Talcum Decoction 黄芩汤:Scutellaria Decoction 镇肝熄风汤:Sedate The Liver And Extinguish Wind Decoction 分消汤:Separate And Reduce Decoction 中满分消汤:Separate And Reduce Fullness In The Middle Decoction 七物降下汤:Seven-Substance Decoction For Directing Downward 厚朴七物汤:Seven-Substance Decoction With Magnolia Bark 蚕矢汤:Silkworm Droppings Decoction 六磨汤:Six Milled-Herb Decoction 六君子汤:Six-Gentleman Decoction 香沙六君子汤:Six-Gentleman Decoction With Aucklandia And Amomum 金水六君煎:Six-Gentleman Of Metal And Water Decoction 楼薤六仁汤:Six-Seed Decoction With Trichosanthis And Chinese Garlic 六安煎:Six-Serenity Decoction 顺经汤:Smooth The Menses Decoction 葳蕤汤:Solomon's Seal Decoction 酸枣仁汤:Sour Jujube Decoction 春泽汤:Spring Marsh Decoction 固冲汤:Stabilize Gushing Decoction 固表止汗汤:Stabilize The Exterior And Stop Sweating Decoction 固本止崩汤:Stabilize The Root And Stop Excessive Uterine Bleeding Decoction 固真汤:Stabilize The True Decoction 固阴煎:Stabilize The Yin Decoction 防己黄耆汤:Stephania And Astragalus Decoction 防己茯苓汤:Stephania And Poria Decoction 蒿芩清胆汤:Sweet Wormwood And Scutellaria Decoction To Clear The Gallbladder 青蒿鳖甲汤:Sweet Wormwood And Soft-Shelled Turtle Shell Decoction 滑石代赭汤:Talcum And Hematite Decoction 橘皮竹茹汤:Tangerine Peel And Bamboo Shavings Decoction 橘皮汤:Tangerine Peel Decoction 十神汤:Ten Divine Decoction 十味温胆汤:Ten-Ingredient Warm Gallbladder Decoction 十枣汤:Ten-Jujube Decoction 三痹汤:Three Painful Obstruction Decoction 三化汤:Three Transformation Decoction 三金汤:Three-Gold Decoction 三石汤:Three-Minerals Decoction 三仁汤:Three-Seed Decoction 三子养亲汤:Three-Seed Decoction To Nourish One's Parents 三甲复脉汤:Three-Shell Decoction To Restore The Pulse 厚朴三物汤:Three-Substance Decoction With Magnolia Bark 三才汤:Three-Talents Decoction 三拗汤:Three-Unbinding Decoction 三黄石膏汤:Three-Yellow And Gypsum Decoction 达郁汤:Thrust Out Constraint Decoction 补脾胃泻阴火升阳汤:Tonify Spleen-Stomach, Drain Yin Fire, And Raise Yang Decoction 补肝汤:Tonify The Liver Decoction 补肺汤:Tonify The Lungs Decoction 补肺阿胶汤:Tonify The Lungs Decoction With Ass-Hide Gelatin 补中益气汤:Tonify The Middle To Augment The Qi Decoction 补阳还五汤:Tonify The Yang To Restore Five-Tenths Decoction 化斑汤:Transform Maculae Decoction 栝楼枳实汤:Trichosanthes Fruit And Unripe Bitter Orange Decoction 栝蒌薤白半夏汤:Trichosanthes Fruit, Chinese Chive, And Pinellia Decoction 栝蒌薤白白酒汤:Trichosanthes Fruit, Chinese Chive, And Wine Decoction 真人养脏汤:True Man's Decoction To Nourish The Organs 真武汤:True Warrior Decoction 二术汤:Two Atractylodes Decoction 二陈汤:Two-Aged Herb Decoction 二仙汤:Two-Immortal Decoction 桂枝二越婢一汤:Two-Parts Cinnamon Twig Decoction With :One-Part Maidservant From Yue's Decoction 二甲复脉汤:Two-Shell Decoction To Restore The Pulse 独参汤:Angelica Grosserrata And Ginseng Decoction 通窍活血汤:Unblock The Orifices And Invigorate The Blood Decoction 通脉四逆汤:Unblock The Pulse Decoction For Frigid Extremities 通幽汤:Unblock The Pylorus Decoction 枳术汤:Unripe Bitter Orange And Atractylodes Decoction 枳实薤白桂枝汤:Unripe Bitter Orange, Chinese Garlic, And :Cinnamon Twig Decoction 茵陈蒿汤:Virgate Wormwood Decoction 茵陈四逆汤:Virgate Wormwood Decoction For Frigid Extremities 茵陈附子干姜汤:Virgate Wormwood, Aconite Root, And Ginger Decoction 茵陈朮附汤:Virgate Wormwood, Atractylodes, And Aconite Root Decoction 温胆汤:Warm Gallbladder Decoction 黄连温胆汤:Warm Gallbladder Decoction With Coptis 暖肝煎:Warm The Liver Decoction 温脾汤:Warm The Spleen Decoction 白朮附子汤:White Atractylodes And Aconite Root Decoction 白通汤:White Penetrating Decoction 白虎承气汤:White Tiger And Order The Qi Decoction 白虎汤:White Tiger Decoction 镇逆白虎汤:White Tiger Decoction To Suppress Rebellion 羚犀白虎汤:White Tiger Decoction With Antelope And Rhinoceros Horn 白虎加苍朮汤:White Tiger Plus Atractylodes Decoction 白虎加桂枝汤:White Tiger Plus Cinnamon Twig Decoction 白虎加人参汤:White Tiger Plus Ginseng Decoction 风引汤:Wind-Drawing Decoction 黄龙汤:Yellow Dragon Decoction 黄土汤:Yellow Earth Decoction 乙字汤:Yi Letter Decoction |