下面的公司类型是营业执照商常见的术语,下面是中英文对照翻译: 有限责任公司分公司(自然人投资或控股的法人独资) Branch of limited liability company (natural person investment or holding corporation sole investment) 个体工商户 Individually-owned business (notes: in mainland China, an individually-own business is typically a small business run directly by the natural person or their family 股份合作制 Joint stock-holding partnership 上市股份有限公司 Joint-stock limited company (listed) 股份有限公司(非上市、自然人投资或控股) Joint-stock limited company (not listed, invested or controlled by natural person) 有限责任公司(法人独资) Limited liability company (legal person sole investment) 有限责任公司(国有独资) Limited liability company (solely state-owned) 有限责任公司(外商投资) Limited liability company (foreign investment) 有限责任公司(外商合资) Limited liability company (foreign joint venture) 有限责任公司(外国自然人独资) Limited liability company (foreign natural person sole investment) 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) Limited liability company (invested or controlled by natural person) 有限公司(自然人控股) Limited liability company (natural person holding) 有限公司(自然人投资) Limited liability company (natural person investment) 有限责任公司(自然人独资) Limited liability company (natural person sole investment) 有限责任公司(外国法人独资-国别:美国) Limited liability company (solely invested by a foreign legal person - country: USA) 有限责任公司(外国法人独资) Limited liability company (solely invested by a foreign legal person) 有限责任公司(台港澳与境内合资) Limited liability company (Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau and domestic joint venture) 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资) Limited liability company (Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau legal person sole investment) 有限责任公司(台港澳自然人独资) Limited liability company (Taiwan/ Hong Kong/ Macau natural person sole investment) 一人有限责任公司(自然人独资) One-person limited liability company (natural person sole investment) 其它股份有限公司(上市) Other limited company (listed) 其他有限责任公司 Other limited liability company 私营有限责任公司(自然人控股或私营性质企业控股) Private limited liability company (natural person holding or private business holding) 独资经营(港资) Sole investment enterprise (Hong Kong investment) 有限责任公司(中外合资) Limited liability company (domestic and foreign joint venture) 个体户 Individually-owned business 全民所有制 Ownership by the whole people 集体所有制 Collective ownership 一人有限责任公司(内资法人独资) Sole limited liability company (domestic corporation sole investment) 有限合伙 Limited partnership 普通合伙 General partnership 外商投资企业法人独资 Foreign-invested enterprise sole investment |