传统中医 (TCM) 已有数千年的历史,几个世纪以来变化不大,它的基本概念是一种生命的生命力,称为气,在体内涌动,任何气不平衡都会导致疾病和疾病,这种不平衡通常被认为是由构成气的相反和互补力量的变化引起的,这些被称为阴阳。全球化的兴起,让中国传统医学传播到了世界,对于从事进出口外贸的人来说,很多苦涩的中医专业词汇很难表述让外国采购商知道,下面整理了一些关于中医的英语,非常多,建议您使用电脑端浏览本文,方便搜索与查询. 腹:Abdomen 痈:Abscess, Sore, Ulcer 寒盛:Abundant Cold 积:Accumulations 积聚:Accumulations And Clusters 酸楚:Ache 烦疼:Achy And Uncomfortable 疼:Achy, Aches 吞酸:Acid Regurgitation 辛:Acrid Taste 穴:Acupuncture Point 腧穴:Acupuncture Point, Associated Point 釜抵加薪:Adding Firewood Under The Cauldron 添:Adds, Replenishes 调营卫:Adjust The Nutritive And Protective Qi 调:Adjusts 调气滞:Adjusts Stagnant Qi 调气:Adjusts The Qi 日晡潮热:Afternoon Fevers 怵:Alarm 募穴:Alarm Points 止痛:Alleviates Pain, Stops Pain 寒热往来:Alternating Fever And Chills 闭经:Amenorrhea 胸胁苦满:An Unpleasant Fullness In The Chest And Hypochondriac 潜阳:Anchors The Errant Yang 潜:Anchors, Subdues 怒:Anger 懊憹:Anguish And Vexation 秽恶之气:Annihilating And Foul Qi 畏:Antagonizes 神情淡漠:Apathetic Expression 精神不振:Apathy 角弓反张:Arched Back Rigidity 手:Arm Or Hand 香窜:Aromatically Probing 肝阳上亢:Ascendant Liver Yang 胃火上升:Ascending Of Stomach Fire 上:Ascends, Upwardly 问诊:Asking Or Questioning The Patient During Diagnosis 袭:Assaults 佐:Adjuvant Herb In A Formula 佐药:Adjuvant Herb 助阳:Assists The Yang 助:Assists, Reinforces 哮:Asthma 痿症:Atrophy Disorder 攻逐寒积:Attack And Drive Out Cold Accumulation 攻积:Attacks Accumulation 攻毒:Attacks Toxin 攻上:Attacks Upwards 益气:Augments The Qi 益:Augments, Benefits 秋呆子:Autumnal Obtuseness 秋燥:Autumn-Dryness 恶食:Aversion To Food 恶风:Aversion To Wind 醒神:Awakens The Spirit; Restores Consciousness 醒脾:Awakens The Spleen 背俞穴:Back Associated Points 平秘:Balanced And Dense 贼风:Bandit Wind 驱逐:Banish 稽留:Be Detained, Hang Around, Retained 凑:Bears On 利胆:Benefits The Gallbladder 痹证:Bi Syndrome 兜涩:Binding Confinement 涩精:Binds Essence 约:Binds Up Or Constrains 涩肠:Binds Up The Intestines 涩:Binds; Rough Urination 苦:Bitter 膀胱:Bladder 膀胱经:Bladder Meridian (Urinary Bladder Meridian) 练:Blanches 淡:Bland 口淡:Bland Sensation In The Mouth And An Inability To Taste Food 淡渗利湿:Blandly Leaches Out And Resolves Dampness 气营两燔:Blazing Fire In Both The Qi And Nutritive Levels 炽热:Blazing Heat 血:Blood 血虚:Blood Deficiency 血分:Blood Level Or Blood Sector 血下入注:Blood Lodged In The Lower Burner 血瘀:Blood Stasis, Or Stasis Of Blood 体质:Body Constituition Of A Person 身热:Body Fever 疖:Boil 骨缩病:Bone Atrophy Illness 骨痿:Bone Flaccidity Illness 骨:Bones 骨节疼烦:Bones And Joints Are Achy And Bothersome 豁:Breached 失司:Breakdown, Loss Of Management, Loss Of Oversight 破:Breaks Up 破阴:Breaks Up Accumulations Of Yin 破血:Breaks Up Blood Stasis 乳痈:Breast Abscess 乳癖:Breast Lumps 明:Brightens, Clears, Or Enlightens 建中:Builds Up Or Constructs The Middle 蓄血:Buildup Of Blood 蓄水:Buildup Of Water 疝:Bulging Disorder 疝气:Bulging Qi Disorder 截痰:Bursts Clogged Phlegm 脐上恐:'Butterflies' Above The Navel 煅:Calcined 平肝熄风:Calms The Liver And Extinguishes Wind 平胃:Calms The Stomach 平喘:Calms Wheezing 平:Calms, Pacifies ; Balanced 神摇:Carousing Of The Spirit 流湿:Causes Dampness To Flow Away 洞泄:Cavernous Diarrhea 经筋:Channel Sinews 盛经:Channels With Abundance 经:Channels, Stages, Warps 中经:Channel-Stroke 妄行:Chaotic Movement 血热妄行:Chaotic Movement Of Hot Blood 截疟:Checks Malarial Disorders 胸胁痛:Chest And Hypochondriac Pain 胸痺:Chest Painful Obstruction 君:Chief, Sovereign 惊风:Childhood Convulsions, Fright Seizures 疳积:Childhood Nutritional Impairment 恶寒:Chills Or Aversion To Cold 冲脉:Chong Meridian (Penetrating Vessel) 瘘:Chronic Sores 丹田:Cinnabar Field 肃降:Clarifying And Descending 清肃:Clearing And Clarifying 清:Clears 辟:Clears Away 辟秽:Clears Away Filth 辟秽:Clears Away Foulness 清窍:Clears Consciousness, Clears The Sensory Orifices 清燥:Clears Dryness 清热:Clears Heat 清脑:Clears The Brain 明目:Clears The Eyes, Improves Vision 恋:Clings, Attaches To 壅:Clogs 闭症:Closed-Type Stroke 收口:Closes Wounds 热结:Clumped Heat 结胸症:Clumping In The Chest Disorder 水热互结:Clumping Of Water And Heat, Or Water-Heat Complexes 结:Clumping, Knotting 寒:Cold 寒邪犯肺:Cold Accosts The Lungs 寒邪:Cold Evil 四肢冷:Cold Extremities 伤寒:Cold-Damage 寒痰:Cold-Phlegm 厥:Collapse 蛔厥:Collapse From Roundworm 络:Collaterals; Connects, Reticulates 热毒蕴结:Collected Clumped Heat Toxin 湿热蕴伏:Collection Of Damp-Heat Smoldering In The Body 蕴:Collects 协热:Commingled Heat 协热利下:Commingled Heat With Diarrhea 面色:Complexion 任脉:Conception Vessel 兼症:Concurrent Symptom 炼液:Condenses The Fluids 症:Condition, Disorder 牢脉:Confined Pulse 交会穴:Confluent Points Of 8 Extraordinary Meridians 凝:Congeals 先天之精:Congenital Essence 瘕聚:Conglomerations And Gatherings 络穴:Connecting Points, Collateral Points 精神:Consciousness, Essence-Spirit 代脉:Consistently Irregular Pulse 里热郁结:Constrained And Clumped Interior Heat 肝气郁结:Constrained And Clumped Liver Qi 郁:Constrains, Constraint 郁症:Constraint Or Depression 建:Constructs, Builds Up 淋:Consumptive Painful Urinary Dribbling 摄:Contains 摄血:Contains Blood 搏:Contend 怔忡:Continuous Palpitations, Panicky Throbbing 淋漓不止:Continuous Trickle 手足瘛厥:Contracted And Frigid Extremities 关节拘挛:Contraction And Tension Of The Joints 制:Control, Restrain 缩尿:Controls Urine, Contain Urination 挫闪:Contusion And Sprain 凉:Cools 清热热痰:Cools & Transforms Phlegm-Heat 凉血:Cools The Blood 魄:Corporeal Soul 佐制 (制佐):Corrective Adjuvant In A Herbal Formula 败血:Corrupted Blood 咳血:Coughing Up Of Blood 裂文:Cracks 鹤膝风:Crane’S Knee Wind 叉手冒心:Cross Hands To Cover The Heart 水晶苔:Crystal Tongue Coating 寸,关,尺:Cun (Distal), Guan (Mid) , Chi (Proximal) Pulse Points On The Wrists 拔罐:Cupping 抑:Curbs 抑肝:Curbs The Liver 抑阴:Curbs The Yin 伐肝:Curtail The Liver 伐:Curtail, Cut Down 绝:Cut Off, Severed 劈:Cuts Through 伤:Damages 湿烂:Damp Erosions 湿热:Damp Heat 湿癣:Damp Tinea-Like Rash 湿:Damp, Dampness 寒湿困脾:Damp-Cold Encumbers The Spleen 寒湿:Damp-Coldness 湿热:Damp-Heat 脾蕴湿热:Damp-Heat Collects In The Spleen 湿热下注:Damp-Heat Lodged In The Lower Burner 湿痰:Damp-Phlegm 痰湿:Damp-Phlegm 暑湿:Damp-Summerheat 丹田:Dan Tian 撞:Dash 五更泻:Daybreak Diarrhea 耳聋:Deafness 衰:Debilitated, Sapped 纳 差:Decreased Food Intake 寒邪深侵:Deep Invasion Of Pathogenic Cold 鼻渊:Deep-Source Nasal Congestion 败:Defeats, Overcomes, Corrupts 守:Defends, Conserves 虚:Deficiency 虚火上炎:Deficiency Fire Blazing Upward 虚证:Deficiency Or Asthenia Syndrome 虚劳:Deficiency Overwork 虚:Deficiency, Hollow 虚脉:Deficient Pulse 晚发:Delayed Discharge 虑:Deliberation 悦脾:Delights The Spleen 谵语:Delirious Speech, Raving 神志痴呆:Dementia 却:Depart, Retreat 耗津:Depletes Or Consumes Fluids 臣:Deputy Ingredient In A Formula 神志错乱:Derangement 抑郁:Despondency 肠枯:Dessicated Intestines 枯:Dessicated, Parched 亡阳:Devastated Yang 偏歪:Deviated 口眼歪斜:Deviation Of The Mouth And Eyes 诊法:Diagnostic Methods 膈:Diaphragm 腹泄:Diarrhea 言语难出:Difficulty In Expressing Oneself Or In Forming Words 减:Diminishes, Deleted 白喉:Diptherial Disorder 降:Directs Downward, Descends 降火:Directs Fire Downward 降浊:Directs Turbidity Downward 风废:Disability From Wind 宣痺:Disbands Painful Obstruction 发散:Discharges And Disperses 发表:Discharges Exterior Conditions 豁痰:Dislodges Phlegm 豁:Dislodges, Forcefully Removes 神迷:Disorientation 恍惚精神:Disorientation, Vagueness 祛:Dispels 祛瘀:Dispels Blood Stasis 祛寒:Dispels Cold 祛风湿:Dispels Wind-Damp 宣通鼻窍:Disperses And Unblocks The Qi Of The Nasal Orifice 疏郁:Disperses Constraint 散郁火:Disperses Fire From Constraint 散满:Disperses Fullness 散瘀:Disperses Stasis 散肿:Disperses Swelling 疏风:Disperses Wind 疏:Disperses, Dredges 动病:Disruptive Disease 宣肺调气:Disseminates And Adjusts The Lung Qi 宣畅气机:Disseminates And Facillitates Qi 宣:Disseminates, Dissipates, Diffuses, Disbands 涣:Dissipates 散结:Dissipates, Disperses Clumps, Knots Or Nodules 寸脉:Distal Pulse 肿胀:Distended 目胀:Distended Eyes 烦冤:Distress 动:Disturb, Move, Disrupt, Stir, Agitate ; Disruption, Perturbation, Stirring, Agitation 眩晕:Dizziness 宿痰:Dormant Or Deep, Harboured Phlegm 宿邪:Dormant, Harboured, Or Deep-Seated Pathogenic Influences 泻下:Drains Downward 泻火:Drains Fire 泻热积:Drains Heat Accumulation 泄:Drains Out, Discharges 泻:Drains, Drains Out, Draws Off 峻:Drastic, Intense 峻下:Drastically Purges 峻下逐水:Drastically Purges And Drives Out Water 托毒:Draws Out Toxicity 拔:Draws Out, Uproot 惧:Dread 惕:Dread, Jerks 疏肝:Dredges Liver Qi 疏卫:Dredges The Protective 糟粕:Dregs 淋漓:Dribbling Urination 燥:Dries , Dry, Parched , Dryness 燥湿:Dries Dampness 逐:Drives Out 逐湿:Drives Out Dampness 逐痰:Drives Out Phlegm 逐水:Drives Out Water 下气:Drives Qi Downward 鼓胀:Drum-Like Abdominal Distention 督脉:Du Meridian (Governing Vessel) 惨惨:Dull 淡白:Dull Pale 苍白:Dusky Pale 府:Dwelling 居:Dwells 痢疾:Dysenteric Disorder 噎:Dysphagia 噎嗝:Dysphagia-Occlusion 土:Earth 畅神:Ease The Spirit 快膈:Eases The Diaphragm 宽肠:Eases The Intestines 宽中:Eases The Middle 警惕:Easily Startled 八会穴:Eight Acupuncture Meeting Points 奇经八脉 (任脉,督脉,冲脉,带脉,阴维脉,阳维脉,阴蹻脉,阳蹻脉):Eight Extraordinary Meridians (consisting of Ren Mai, Du Mai, Chong Mai, Dai Mai, Yin Wei Mai, Yang Wei Mai, Yin Qiao Mai, Yang Qiao Mai) 八纲:Eight Parameters Of Diagnosis 喜:Elation, Joy 除湿:Eliminates Dampness 除烦:Eliminates Irritability 消暑:Eliminates Summerheat 消毒:Eliminates Toxin 除:Eliminates, Gets Rid Of 情:Emotion 利膈:Enables The Diaphragm 困:Encumbers 内寒:Endogenous Cold 内湿:Endogenous Dampness 内燥:Endogenous Dryness 内热:Endogenous Heat 内风:Endogenous Wind 禀赋:Endowment 虚实挟杂:Enmeshment Of Deficiency And Excess Together 滋:Enriches 滋肾:Enriches The Kidneys 滋阴:Enriches The Yin 癖:Ensconced Lumps 缠喉风:Entangling Throat Wind Disorder 遗尿:Enuresis 史:Envoy 瘟疫:Epidemic Disorders 疫疠:Epidemic Pestilence 瘟疾:Epidemic Seasonal Disorder 疫毒:Epidemic Toxin 胃胀痛:Epigastric Pain And Distention 心下:Epigastrium 哕:Eructate 哕逆:Eructation And Rebellion 丹毒:Erysipelas 精:Essence 魂:Ethereal Soul 实证:Excess Or Sthenia Syndrome 多饮:Excessive Drinking 实脉:Excessive Pulse 多寐症:Excessive Sleeping 亏:Exhausted 大肠液亏:Exhausted Large Intestine Fluids 外邪:Exogenous Evil 宽胸:Expands The Chest 宽:Expands, Eases 催:Expedites, Promotes 驱虫:Expels Parasites 排脓:Expels Pus 驱:Expels, Drives, Reins In 乘脾:Exploits Or Encroaches On The Spleen 表证:Exterior Syndrome 外湿阻脾:External Damp Obstructs The Spleen 外:External, Outside 外越:Externally Oversteps, Goes Beyond Normal Boundaries, Thrust Out Externally, Evict, Extrude 外感:Externally-Contracted 熄:Extinguishes 熄风:Extinguishes Wind 奇经:Extraordinary Channels 四肢:Extremities, Limbs 肝火旺:Exuberant Liver Fire 木旺乘土:Exuberant Wood Takes Advantage Of Earth 面肌痉挛:Facial Tic 利湿:Faciliates And Promotes Resolution Of Dampness; Resolves Dampness 利窍:Facilitate Passage Through The Orifices 畅:Facilitated, Patent, Open, Unimpeded 通神明:Facilitates Enlightenment Of The Spirit; Improving Mental Abilities 畅气机:Facilitates The Qi Dynamic 利水道:Facilitates The Water Pathways 肺气不宣:Failure Of The Lung To Disseminate Qi 微脉:Faint Pulse 怠:Fatigue And Lethargy 四肢困倦:Fatigued Limbs 恐:Fear 畏寒:Fear Of Cold 热寎:Febrile Diseases 微:Feeble, Faint, Slight; Diminish 快气:Felicitates The Qi 束表:Fetters The Exterior 束:Fetters, Ties Up 脑热:Feverish Sensation In The Head 内伤发热:Feverishness From Internal Damage 猛烈:Fierce And Violent 填补:Fills In, Replenishes 火:Fire 郁火:Fire From Constraint 火毒:Fire Toxin 腥:Fishy Odor 五行学说:Five Elements Theory 五液:Five Excretions 五行:Five Phases, Five-Phase 五迟:Five Retardations 五腧穴:Five Transport Points 五软:Five Weaknesses 五脏:Five Zang (Solid) Organs 肾著:Fixed Kidney Disorder 著痺:Fixed Painful Obstruction 微软:Flaccid 胁下:Flanks 上炎:Flares Upward 燔:Flaring 旺:Flaring, Flourishing 味:Flavor (Taste) 肉:Flesh 分肉:Flesh Interstices 涣散:Flimsy 浮肿:Floating Edema 浮脉:Floating Pulse 洪脉:Flooding Pulse 流火:Flowing Fire 身热不扬:Fluctuating Fever 津液:Fluid 荡涤热邪:Flush Away Pathogenic Heat 荡:Flush Away Pathogenic Heat 潮红:Flushed 面赤:Flushed Complexion 冲下:Flushes Downward 心慌:Flustered, Alarmed 痞:Focal Distention 谷气:Food Qi 食疗:Food Therapy 伤食:Food-Damage 有力脉:Forceful Pulse, Pulse With Strength 无力脉:Forceless Pulse 逼:Forces, Compels, Presses 健忘:Forgetfull, Absent-Minded 壮筋骨:Fortifies The Sinews And Bones 坚阴:Fortifies The Yin 坚:Fortifies, Firms, Hard 壮:Fortifies; Vigorous 长:Foster, Increase 育阴:Fosters Yin 秽浊:Foul Turbidity 垢:Foul, Filth 四总穴:Four Command Acupuncture Points 四要血:Four Dominant Acupuncture Points 四分:Four Levels, Sectors Or Phases Of Disease (Defensive, Qi, Nutritive, Blood) 四肢:Four Limbs (The Hands And Legs Of A Person) 弱脉:Frail Pulse 脾弱:Frail Spleen 鲜红:Fresh-Looking Red 炒:Fried (Dry-fried) 惊妄:Fright Mania 四逆发冷:Frigid Extremities 霜:Frost (a herb prepared in powder form) 神凝:Frozen Affect 充:Full, Ample, Brimming; Fills Up 满:Fullness 熏:Fumes 熏蒸:Fumes Upwards; Evaporates 神识如蒙:Fuzzy Thinking 胆:Gall Bladder 胆:Gallbladder 脘:Gastric Cavity 宗气:Gathering Qi 收湿:Gathers In Dampness 聚:Gathers Up, Pools Fluids, Cluster, Collects 身寒痛:Generalized Coldness And Pain 生:Generates 生肌:Generates Flesh 生脉:Generates The Pulse 阴痒:Genital Itching 轻宣燥邪:Gently Disperses Dryness 真气:Genuine Qi 去:Gets Rid Of 带脉:Girdle Vessel Or Belt Meridian 青光眼:Glaucomatous Disorder 瘿:Goiter 瘿瘤:Goiter; Neck Tumors 尽:Gone, Expended, Finished, Exhausted 督脉:Governing Vessel 统:Governs 主:Governs; Focuses 巨阳:Grand Yang (Synonym For Greater Yang) 砂淋:Gravelly Painful Urinary Dribbling 腻:Greasy Coating, Cloying Substances 亡:Great Loss, Devastation, Destroyed 大气:Great Qi 太阳:Greater Yang 太阴:Greater Yin 灰:Grey 愁:GRIef 磨:Grinds Away, Wears 消磨:Grinds Down 心下急:Gripping Pain And Tenderness In The Upper Epigastrium 蛊毒:Gu Toxin 保:Guards , Protects, Takes Care Of 导积:Guide Out Accumulation 导:Guides Out 导滞:Guides Out Stagnation 使药:Guiding Herbs 痰鸣:Gurgling Sound In The Throat 上冲:Gushes Upward, Upflushing 冲:Gushes, Flushes 荥穴:Gushing Point Or Spring Point 妇科:Gynaecology 憔悴:Haggard 毛:Hair 撮空:Hallucinations Characterized By Grasping At Air 扰动心神:Harass And Disturb The Heart Spirit 扰:Harass, Derange, Make A Disturbance, Make Trouble 挟瘀:Harbors Blood Stasis 损:Harm; Impairment 和中:Harmonizes The Middle Burner 和胃:Harmonizes The Stomach 逆流挽舟:Hauling The Boat Upstream 发背:Headed Flat Abscesses Of The Back 正气:Healthy Energy 心:Heart 心血瘀:Heart Blood Stasis 心病:Heart Disharmony 心移热于小肠:Heart Fire Transferred To The Small Intestine 心热刑肺:Heart Heat Punishes The Lung 手少阴心经:Heart Meridian 热:Heat 热积:Heat Accumulation 热结旁流:Heat Clumping With CIRCumfluence 热扰心:Heat Deranging Or Harassing The Heart 热入血室:Heat Enters The Blood Chamber 五心热:Heat In The Five Centers 热邪壅肺:Heat Pathogen Clogs The Lungs 热灼胸膈:Heat Scorching The Chest And Diaphragm 热灼营阴:Heat Scorching The Yin Of The Nutritive Level 热毒:Heat Toxin 天疱疮:Heaven-Borne Blisters 天癸:Heavenly Dew 身困:Heavy Lethargy 潮热:Hectic Fever 重阳:Hefty Yang 助佐 (佐助):Helpful Adjuvant Herb 敛疮:Helps Close Sores 偏枯:Hemilateral Withering Or Hemiplegia 煎药:Herbal Decoction 呃逆:Hiccough 伏梁:Hidden Beam 伏脉:Hidden Pulse 遏:Holds Something In, Hinders, Retains, Traps 芤脉:Hollow Pulse 蜜炙:Honey-fried 热肺痿:Hot Lung Atrophy 热痺:Hot Painful Obstruction 热痰:Hot Phlegm 热:Hot, Heat, Feverish, Fever 亢:Hyperactivity 胁:Hypochondrium 㽲痛:Hyptertonic Pain 症:Immobile Abdominal Mass 神昏:Impaired Consciousness, Muddled Consciousness 失职:Impairment 不畅:Impeded 妨:Impedes 聪耳:Improves Hearing 利喉:Improves The Condition Of The Throat 运脾:Improves The Spleen’S Transporting Function 利:Improves, Promotes, Benefits, Facilitates, Enables 醒后不复原:Inability To Fully Recover After Loss Of Consciousness 大便不爽:Incomplete And Irregular Bowel Movements 增液:Increases Fluids 嘈杂:Indefinable Epigastric Discomfort 脉象模糊:Indistinct Pulse 惰:Indolence 发汗:Induces Sweating 溃坚:Induces Ulceration 疰病:Infestatious Disease 吸:Inhales, Draws In 敛汗:Inhibits Sweating 劳伤:Injury From Overstrain 不仁:Insensitivity; Lack Of Sensation 青盲:Insidious Loss Of Vision Without Visible Physical Changes To The Eye 不寐:Insomnia 失眠多梦:Insomnia With Dream-Disturbed Sleep 望诊:Inspection (Visual Diagnosis) 表不固:Instability Of The Exterior 不足:Insufficiency (cf. Deficiency - 虚 or Xu) 中气不足:Insufficient Middle Qi 智:Intelligence, Wisdom 疏泄无度:Intemperate Dispersing And Draining Of Qi 峻补:Intense Tonic 肿毒:Intense Toxic Swellings 意:Intention, Signification 里:Interior 里证:Interior Syndrome 错综:Interlocked 肝风内炽:Internal Blazing Of Liver Wind 相火内炽:Internal Blazing Of Ministerial Fire 内有郁热:Internal Heat Due To Constraint 肝风内动:Internal Stirring Of Liver Wind 水湿内停:Internal Stoppage Of Water And Dampness 内:Internal, Inside 腠理:Interstices And Pores 肠痈:Intestinal Abscess 肠风:Intestinal Wind 凌:Intimidates 侵:Invade, Infiltrates 倒经:Inverted Menses 活:Invigorates 活血:Invigorates The Blood 活经:Invigorates The Channels 活络:Invigorates The Collaterals 月经失调:Irregular Menstruation 崩漏:Irregular Uterine Bleeding 烦:Irritability 烦躁:Irritability And Restlessness 窒:Jammed; Stopped Up 惊:Jitteriness, Anxiety, Convulsions, Fright, Shock 接骨:Joins Bones 厥阴:Jue Yin 嗜卧:Just Desires Sleep, Somnolence 肾:Kidney 肾:Kidneys 肾不纳气:Kidneys Cannot Accept Qi 肾藏精:Kidneys Store Essence 杀虫:Kill Parasites 肠腑不通:Lack Of Passage Through The Intestines 懒言:Laconic Speech 大肠:Large Intestine 手阳明大肠经:Large Intestine Meridian 大脉:Large Pulse 渗湿:Leaches Out Dampness 渗:Leaches Out, Filters Out, Percolates; Permeates 滑脱:Leakage And Loss 革脉:Leather Pulse 足:Leg 脚气:Leg Qi 足气:Leg Qi 癞:Leprous Disorders 少阳:Lesser Yang 少阴:Lesser Yin 神衰:Lethargic Level Of Consciousness 带下:Leukorrhagia 分:Level Or Sector 癣:Lichenous Rash 死血:Lifeless Blood 升降浮沉:Lifting, Lowering, Floating And Sinking 举:Lifts 漏:Light Uterine Bleeding, Leaking, Spotting 晕:Lightheadedness 昏:Lightheadedness; Muddled Or Impaired Consciousness 留:Lingers; Lodges; Remains 留热:Lingering Heat 留饮:Lingering Thin Mucus 水谷:Liquids And Grains 闻诊:Listening And Smelling (Diagnosis) 肾阳不振:Listless Kidney Yang 不振:Listless, Sluggish, Not Aroused 精神萎靡:Listlessness 目睛精采:Lively, Expressive Eyes 肝:Liver 肝来乘脾:Liver Comes To Overwhelm The Spleen 肝主疏泄:Liver Governs Dredging And Draining 足厥阴肝经:Liver Meridian 部位:Location 客:Lodges, Resides 长脉:Long Pulse 久痛入络:Long-Term Pain Enters The Collaterals 便溏:Loose Stool 膀胱失约:Loss Of Bladder Control 肾失封藏:Loss Of Kidney Closure And Storage Functions 失音:Loss Of Voice 脱:Loss, Abandonment; Draw Off 少腹拘急:Lower Abdominal Tightness And Contractions 腰痛:Lower Back Pain 下元:Lower Base 下焦:Lower Burner 下合穴:Lower Uniting Acupuncture Point 低热:Low-Grade Fever 滑肠:Lubricates The Intestines 肺:Lung 肺痈:Lung Abscess 手太阴肺经:Lung Meridian 肺:Lungs 伏:Lurking 伏火:Lurking Fire 伏热:Lurking Heat 伏气:Lurking Qi 不华:Lusterless 烂:Macerated 柔筋:Make The Sinews Supple 宁神:Makes The Spirit Tranquil 宁:Makes Tranquil 不宁:Malaise, Uneasy, Disquiet 瘅疟:Malaria 疟疾:Malarial Disorder 司:Manage 癫狂:Mania, Insanity, Psychosis 狂:Mania, Yang Madness 狂躁妄动:Manic Agitation And Rash Behavior 狂乱:Manic And Disorderly 荣:Manifestation 标本:Manifestation Branch And Root Is Fine 大头温:Massive Head Febrile Disorder 髓:Medulla, Marrow 会穴:Meeting Points 郁郁:Melancholy 膜原:Membrane Source 募原:Membrane Source 经络:Meridians And Collaterals; Vessels 瘴疟:Miasmic Malarial Disorders 中焦:Middle Burner 关脉:Middle Pulse Position 中气:Middle Qi 中州:Middle Regions 白㾦:Miliaria Alba 臣药:Minister Herb 相火:Ministerial Fire 孙络:Minute Collaterals 杂病:Miscellaneous Or Heterogeneous Diseases 奇恒之腑:Miscellaneous Organs 惋:Miserable 瘕:Mobile Abdominal Mass, Conglomeration 走而不守:Mobile And Does Not Conserve 走窜:Mobile And Piercing 走:Mobilizes, Travels, Extends To, Acts On 缓脉:Moderate Or Lax Pulse 缓急:Moderates Spasmodic Abdominal Pain Or Relaxes Tension 缓:Moderates, Relaxes 濡:Moisten , Soggy 润下:Moistening Laxative 润肠:Moistens The Intestines 润:Moistens, Lubricates 腐:Moldy; Putrefies, Decompose, Decomposition 势:Momentum 君药 (君药,臣药,佐药,使药):Monarch Herb (The chief/monarch herb, where herbs are classified as Monarch, Minister, Adjuvant, and Guide herb in a formula) 山岚瘴疟:Mountain Mist Miasmic Malarial Disorder 动脉:Moving Or Disturbed Pulse 弄舌:Moving Tongue 灸法:Moxibustion 抽搐:Muscle Twitches, Tics 肌:Muscles, Muscle Layer 溪谷:Muscular Striations 瘖废:Mute Paraplegia 相须:Mutual Accentuation 相济:Mutual Aid 相克:Mutual Control 相生:Mutual Generation 相搏:Mutually Contend, Struggle, Interact 头昏:Muzziness 疔毒:Nail-like Toxic Sores 涕:Nasal Mucus 鼻窍:Nasal Passages Or Nasal Orifice 鼻痔:Nasal Piles 盗汗:Night Sweats 剽悍:Nimble And Forceful 正疟:Normal Malaria 常脉:Normal Pulse Reading 正气:Normal Qi Or Antipathogenic Factor Qi 顺传:Normal Transmission 养:Nourishes 恶:Noxious 恶中:Noxious Attack 恶血:Noxious Blood 恶疮:Noxious Sores 麻木:Numbness 麻:Numbness (With Tingling) 培:Nurtures 培肾:Nurtures The Kidneys 营分:Nutritive Level Or Sector 营气:Nutritive Qi 阻:Obstructs, Impedes 得气:Obtaining Qi In Acupuncture 开窍:Opens The Orifices 开达膜原:Opens Up And Spreads The Qi And Penetrates To The Membrane Source 开郁:Opens Up Areas Of Constraint 启闭:Opens Up Closure, Opens Up Blockage 开结:Opens Up Clumps Or Knots 开:Opens, Unbinds 涎:Oral Mucus 脏腑:Organs Or Yin And Yang Organs 中脏:Organ-Stroke 孤阳:Orphaned Yang 藩篱空疏:Outside Hedge Has Holes 有余:Over Abundance, Surplus 败毒:Overcomes Toxin 过克:Over-Control 溢饮:Overflowing Or Flooding Thin Mucus 热盛:Overly Abundant Heat 烔烔:Overly Bright And Feverish Eyes 强脉:Overly Strong Pulse 胃强:Overly Strong Stomach 乘:Overwhelms, Encroaches On, Rides, Travels 痨:Overwork, Consumptive Disorder, Consumption 疼痛:Pain 串痛:Pain That Penetrates Through To The Back 咽喉肿痛:Painful And Swollen Throat 血淋:Painful Bloody Urinary Difficulty 痛经:Painful Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea 痺症:Painful Obstruction Illness 血痺:Painful Obstruction Of The Blood 骨痺:Painful Obstruction Of The Bone 筋痺:Painful Obstruction Of The Sinews 喉痺:Painful Obstruction Of The Throat 淋症:Painful Urinary Dribbling Disorder 痛风:Painful Wind 癖块:Painless Lumps 萎白:Pallid 切诊:Palpation 心悸:Palpitation 历节病:Panarthralgia 痛楚:Pangs Of Pain 疹:Papule, Rash 佐反:Paradoxical Adjuvant 麻痺:Paralysis 咽燥:Parched Throat 病机:Pathodynamic 病邪:Pathogenic Evil 有形之邪热:Pathogenic Heat With Form 邪气:Pathogenic Qi 水邪:Pathogenic Water 证:Pattern 辨证:Pattern Differentiation 通入:Penetrates 冲脉:Penetrating Vessel 心包:Pericardium 手厥阴心包经:Pericardium Meridian 痃癖:Periumbilical And Hypochondriac Firmness And Pain 淫湿:Pernicious Dampness 淫气:Pernicious Or Out Of Control Qi 疠气:Pestilential Qi 痰:Phlegm 痰瘀胶结:Phlegm And Blood Stasis Jell Together 痰痞:Phlegm Lumps 热核:Phlegm Nodules 痰闭:Phlegm Obstruction 痰阻络:Phlegm Obstructs The Collaterals 痰:Phlegm Or Sputum 痰蒙心窍:Phlegm Veils The Heart Orifices 痰燥:Phlegm-Dryness 痰火:Phlegm-Fire 痰火扰心:Phlegm-Fire Deranges The Heart 热痰:Phlegm-Heat 躯:Physical Body 盗气:Pilfers Qi 淡红:Pink 关格:Plugged And Rejecting Or Repelling Disorder 塞:Plugs 夺:Plunders 劫阴:Plunders The Yin 瘜:Polyp 思:Pondering, Pensiveness, Excessive Thinking 后天之精:Postnatal Essence 小便余沥不尽:Post-Urinary Drip 劲:Powerful 大补:Powerfully Tonifies 痘:Pox 炙 (制):Prepared (Preparata, Preparatum) Herb 敛肺:Preserves The Lungs 敛阴:Preserves The Yin 敛:Preserves, Inhibits, Restrains 胜:Prevails Over , Preponderance 胜湿:Prevails Over Dampness 防腐:Prevents Putrefication 芒刺:Prickles 元气:Primal Qi 相火:Prime Minister Fire 元:Prime, Primal, Base 元气:Primordial Energy 真阴:Primordial Yin 煅:Processed by calcination (of a herb) 炭:Processed by charring (heat until herb is carbonized) 炮:Processed by quick-frying (herbs) 蒸:Processed by steaming (herbs) 煨:Processed by stewing (herbs) 姜制:Processed (herbs) With Ginger 蜜炙:Processed With Honey 奶炙:Processed With Milk 盐制:Processed With Salt 醋制:Processed With Vinegar 酒制:Processed With Wine 支饮:Prodding Thin Mucus 痰多:Profuse Sputum 崩:Profuse Uterine Bleeding, Gushing 牙疳:Progressive Ulceration Of The Gums 崇土:Promotes Earth 催乳:Promotes Lactation 行痺:Promotes Movement In Areas Of Painful Obstruction; Migrating Painful Obstruction 行气:Promotes Movement Of Qi 行滞:Promotes Movement Through Areas Of Stagnation 行:Promotes Movement, Proceeds, Travels 通乳汁:Promotes Or Unblocks Lactation 化气:Promotes The Activities Of Qi Transformation 行水:Promotes The Dissipation Of Pathogenic Water 利尿:Promotes Urination 利水:Promotes Urination, Moves Water 利水渗湿:Promotes Water Metabolism And Leaches Out Dampness 卫分:Protective Level Or Defensive Sector 卫气:Protective Qi 卫外失职:Protective Qi Fails Its External Assignment, 卫气:Protective Qi, Defensive Qi, Defense Qi, Guardian Qi 㿗疝:Protuberant Bulging Disorder 资:Provides For 悍:Prowess, Bold, Nimble 尺脉:Proximal Pulse 脉诊:Pulse Diagnosis 脉象:Pulse Pattern 通下:Purge, Unblock Downwards 攻下:Purges 紫斑:Purple Spots Or Maculae 追:Pursues 排:Pushes Out Or Expels 排石:Pushes Out Stones 烂喉痧:Putrefying Throat Granular Disorder 气:Qi 气不化:Qi Cannot Transform 气虚:Qi Deficiency 气机:Qi Dynamic 气分证:Qi Fen Syndrome 空气:Qi From Air 气分:Qi Level Or Qi Sector 气口:Qi Openings 安胎:Quiets The Fetus 安神:Quiets The Spirit 颤抖:Quivering 疾脉:Racing Pulse 升发:Raise And Discharge 升举:Raises And Lifts 升清:Raises The Clear 升阳:Raises The Yang 升:Raises, Ascends 数脉:Rapid Pulse 促脉:Rapid-Irregular Pulse 走马牙疳:Rapidly Progressing Ulceration Of The Gums 斑疹:Rashes 反应:Reaction 逆脉:Rebellious Pulse 气逆:Rebellious Qi 逆:Rebellious, Counterflow 受:Receives, Picks Up 续筋:Reconnects Sinews 脱肛:Rectal Prolapse 赤白带:Red And White Vaginal Discharge 降逆:Redirects Rebellious Qi Downward 退:Reduces 消痈:Reduces Abscesses 消积:Reduces Accumulation 消导:Reduces And Guides Out 退肿:Reduces Edema Or Swelling 退热:Reduces Fever Or Heat 退黄:Reduces Jaundice 消石:Reduces Or Dissolves Stones 消肿:Reduces Swelling Or Edema 消:Reduces, Eliminates, Digests, Diminishes, Dissipates Toxic Swellings 泻法:Reducing Method 理:Regulates 理气:Regulates Qi 理血:Regulates The Blood 格:Rejecting;Repelling 缓消症块:Relaxes And Reduces Fixed Abdominal Masses 缓解:Relaxes And Relieves 缓肝:Relaxes The Liver 解痉:Releases Spasms 解表:Releases The Exterior 解肌:Releases The Muscle Layer 解:Releases, Relieves, Resolves 解郁:Relieves Constraint 解痛:Relieves Pain 疗:Remedies 撤:Remove 劫:Removed By Force 蠲痺:Removes Painful Obstructions 釜抵抽薪:Removing Firewood From Under The Cauldron 任脉:Ren Meridian (Conception Vessel) 避:Repels, Clears Away 添精:Replenishes The Essence 志:Resolve, Purpose,Mind, Emotions 解热:Resolves Heat 解暑:Resolves Summerheat 解毒:Resolves Toxicity 急躁:Restless Agitation, Impatience 胎动不安:Restless Fetus 脏躁:Restless Organ Disorder 躁:Restlessness 归:Restores 复脉:Restores The Pulse 开音:Restores The Voice 收敛:Restrain And Inhibit 苏厥回逆:Resuscitate From Collapse And Revives From Rebellion 反克:Reverse Control 气逆:Reverse Flow Of Qi 回:Revives 回厥:Revives From Collapse Or Inversion 回阳:Revives The Yang 回阳救逆:Revives The Yang And Rescues From Rebellion 肋:Ribs, Costal Region 汁液富油:Rich In Greasy Fluids 刚:Rigorous 脑鸣:Ringing In The Brain 雄:Robust, Virile 滚痰:Roiling, Breaks Up Phlegm 卷:Rolled 疔:Rooted Sores 涩脉:Rough Pulse Or Choppy Pulse 游风:Roving Wind 奔:Run Wild 走注:Running And Pouring 奔豚:Running Piglet Sickness 唾:Saliva , Spits 面黄:Sallow Complexion 咸:Salty 绛:Scarlet 散脉:Scattered Pulse 散寒:Scatters Or Disperses Cold 散风:Scatters Or Disperses Wind 散:Scatters, Disperses 涤痰:Scours Out Phlegm 涤:Scours Out, Flushes Away 刮:Scrape 瘰疬:Scrofula 窜:Scurry, Flee; Expeditious 髓海:Sea Of Marrow 搜剔:Searches And Digs Out Stagnation 烧热:Searing Heat 时病:Seasonal Diseases 固脱:Secures Abandoned Disorders 固涩:Secures And Binds 固精:Secures The Essence 固:Secures, Stabilizes 镇惊:Sedates Fright 镇肝:Sedates The Liver 镇神:Sedates The Spirit 镇痉:Sedates Tremors 镇:Sedates, Pacify, Suppresses, Hold Down 脑漏:Seepage From The Brain 癫痫:Seizures 大便溏薄:Semiliquid Stools 热冲头:Sensation Of Heat Rushing To The Head 头重:Sensation Of Heaviness Of The Head 膈烦:Sensation Of Irritability In The Diaphragm 胸膈不快:Sense Of Unease In The Chest And Diaphragm 分利湿热:Separates And Drains Out Damp-Heat 定:Settles Down 舍:Settles Into; Shelters 定惊:Settles Jitteriness, Convulsions, Fright, Or Shock 定志:Settles The Emotions, Focuses The Mind, Settles The Resolve 定痉:Settles Tremors Or Convulsions 定喘:Settles Wheezing 定风:Settles Wind 剧:Severe 痛痹:Severe Painful Obstruction 少阳:Shao Yang 少阴:Shao Yin 聪:Sharpens, Improves 护:Shields 护阳:Shields The Yang 光白:Shiny, Pale 射:Shoots 短脉:Short Pulse 火气闭密:Shut In And Concentrated Fire Qi 病:Sickness 寒热:Simultaneous Fever And Chills 筋:Sinews 陷:Sink 气陷:Sinking Qi 六淫:Six Pernicious Influences 六经:Six Stages, Six Warps, Six Channels, Six Axes 皮:Skin 皮水:Skin Edema 刮痧:Skin Scraping Therapy 皮肤:Skin, Skin And Subcutaneous Tissues 迟纵:Slack 滑脉:Slippery Pulse 滑:Slippery, Leakage 脱疽:Sloughing Ulcer 迟脉:Slow Pulse 结脉:Slow-Irregular Pulse 小肠:Small Intestine 手太阳小肠经:Small Intestine Meridian 顺:Smooths 顺气:Smooths The Flow Of Qi 蛇丹:Snake-Creeping Red Papules 软脉:Soft Pulse 软:Softens 软坚:Softens Areas Of Hardness 柔肝:Softens The Liver 濡脉:Soggy Pulse 舒:Soothes 舒肝:Soothes The Liver 舒筋:Soothes The Sinews 疮疡:Sores 悲:Sorrow, Sadness, Being Disheartened 原穴:Source Points 原气:Source Qi 君火:Sovereign Fire 少苔:Sparse Tongue Coating 竭:Spent, Exhaustion 遗精:Spermatorrhea 神:Spirit 神:Spirit, Psychic Aspect 吐血:Spitting Up Blood 脾:Spleen 脾不统血:Spleen Cannot Govern Blood 脾气虚:Spleen Qi Deficiency 斑:Spots, Maculae 布:Spread Out; Spread Throughout 流注:Spreading, Flow Into; Spreading Sores 达:Spreads Out, Thrusts Out 弥漫:Spreads Throughout 春温:Spring-Warmth 撮痛:Squeezing Pain 固表:Stabilizes The Exterior 寒滞肝脉:Stagnant Cold In Liver Vessel 气滞:Stagnant Qi 小肠气滞:Stagnant Small Intestine Qi 滞:Stagnates 瘀热:Static Heat 蒸:Steam 骨蒸:Steaming Bone Disorder 黏稠痰:Sticky Sputum 强硬:Stiff 胸闷重:Stifling And Heavy Sensation In The Chest 闷:Stifling Sensation 胸闷:Stifling Sensation In The Chest; Sense Of Oppression In The Chest 脘腹闷:Stifling Sensation In The Epigastrium And Abdomen 鼓舞:Stimulate, Drum-Up, Inspire 振奋阳气:Stimulates The Yang 发:Stimulates, Promotes. Induces, Discharges; Develops, Manifests 胃:Stomach 胃虚寒:Stomach Deficiency Cold 反胃:Stomach Reflux 石淋:Stony Painful Urinary Dribbling 大便:Stool 止血:Stops Bleeding 止咳:Stops Coughing 止痢:Stops Dysenteric Disorders 止遗:Stops Leakage 止:Stops, Arrests, Halts 贮藏:Stores 脾:Strengthens 强筋骨:Strengthens The Sinews And Bones 健脾:Strengthens The Spleen 健运 脾胃:Strengthens The Transporting Functions Of The Spleen And Stomach 迫:Stresses, Compels, Forces, Disturbs 上干:Strikes Upward 强:Strong 实:Strong; Excess ; Fullness; Bolsters; Replete 顽痰:Stubborn Phlegm 不通:Stuck, No Passage Through, No Free Flowing, Blockage 昏迷:Stuporous, Comatose 劲:Sturdy, Strong 沉脉:Submerged Pulse 尖叫:Sudden Shrieking 霍乱:Sudden Turmoil Disorder 暴盲:Sudden Visual Failure 暴:Sudden, Violent 患:Suffer; Calamity 默默:Sullen 暑:Summerheat 暑温:Summerheat-Warmth 脾气下陷:Sunken Spleen Qi 翳:Superficial Visual Obstruction 扶:Supports 扶正:Supports Normal Qi 托里:Supports The Interior 镇痛:Suppresses Pain 镇逆:Suppresses Rebellion 越:Surmount, Disseminate ; Overstep ; Thrust Out, Evict 悬饮:Suspended Thin Mucus 㽲痛:Sustained Pain 汗:Sweat 疽:Swelling 辨证:Syndrome Differentiation 卫,气,营,血辨证:Syndrome Differentiation Based On The Defensive, Energy, Nutritive And Blood Levels 八纲辨证 (阴-阳, 里-表, 寒-热, 虚-实):Syndrome Differentiation Based On The Eight Diagnostic PrinCIPles (Yin-Yang, Internal-External, Cold-Hot, Deficiency-Excess) 经络辨证:Syndrome Differentiation Based On The Meridians 脏腑辨证:Syndrome Differentiation Based On The Zang Fu Organs 表虚:Syndrome Of Superficies 下疳:Syphilitic Sores 太阳:Tai Yang 太阴:Tai Yin 停:Tarry, Stop 泪:Tears 里急后重:Tenesmus 厥阴:Terminal Yin Or Reversing Yin 痉:Tetany, Spasms 痰饮:Thin Mucus 饮:Thin Mucus 细脉:Thin Or Fine Pulse 薄:Thin, Flimsy 条达:Thrusts Out 透:Thrusts Pus Out 潮热:Tidal Fever Or Afternoon Tidal Fever 紧脉:Tight Pulse 胸满重:Tightness And Heaviness In The Chest 神怯:Timidity, Trepidation 耳鸣:Tinnitus 舌象:Tongue Signs (Diagnosis) 补法:Tonification 补:Tonifies 毒气:Toxic Qi 痈疽:Toxic Swellings 毒:Toxin 搜风:Tracks Down Wind 化:Transforms 化湿:Transforms Dampness 化坚:Transforms Firmness Or Hardness 化痰止咳:Transforms Phlegm And Stops Coughing 输穴:Transporting Points, Transport Point 反脉:Transposed Pulse 肝气横犯:Transverse Rebellion Of Liver Qi Accosting The Spleen 截瘫:Traumatic Paraplegia 循:Traverses 经穴:Traversing Point Or River Point 伤寒论:Treatise on Cold Injury 治法:Treatment Strategy 治测:Treatment Tactic 震颤:Tremble, Tremors 三焦:Triple Burner 手少阳三焦经:Triple Burner Meridian 真寒假热:True Cold With False Heat 真热假寒:True Heat With False Cold 真气:True Qi 推拿:Tuina Massage 浊淋:Turbid Painful Urinary Dribbling 膏淋:Turbid Painful Urinary Dribbling 人体十二经络 (肺经, 心包经, 心经; 脾经, 肝经, 肾经; 大肠经, 三焦经, 小肠经; 胃经, 胆经, 膀胱经):Twelve Normal Meridians Of The Human Body, (consisting of 3 Arm Yin Meridians of Tai Yin-Lung, Jue Yin-Pericardium, Shao Yin-Heart; 3 Leg Yin Meridians of Tai Yin-Spleen, Jue Yin-Liver, Shao Yin-Kidney; 3 Arm Yang Meridians of Yang Ming-Large Intestine, Shao Yang-Triple Burner, Tai Yang-Small Intestine; 3 Leg Yang Meridians of Yang Ming-Stomach, Shao Yang-Gall Bladder, Tai Yang-Urinary Bladder meridians or vessels) 胞转:Twisted Bladder Or Gestation Membranes 不忍:Unbearable 开痺:Unbinds Painful Obstruction 开胸:Unbinds The Chest 通滞:Unblocks Areas Of Stagnation 通淋:Unblocks Painful Urinary Dribbling 通便:Unblocks The Bowels 通络:Unblocks The Collaterals 通脉:Unblocks The Meridians Or Vessels 通鼻窍:Unblocks The Nasal Passages 通阳:Unblocks The Yang 通腑:Unblocks The Yang Organs Or Bowels 通利:Unblocks Urine And Bowels 通:Unblocks, Promotes, Pervades 不舒:Uncomfortable 肢楚:Uncomfortable Limbs 合穴:Uniting Point Or Sea Point 通畅:Unobstructed, Free Moving 四肢不遂:Unresponsive Extremities 克:Upbraid 戴阳:Upcast Yang 上焦:Upper Burner 水道之上原:Upper Source Of The Water Pathways 拔毒:Uproots Toxicity 反胃:Upset Stomach 肝火上炎:Upward Blazing Of Liver Fire 上腾:Upward Surging 上犯:Upwardly Accosts Or Trespasses 急:Urgency, Severe Tightness; Hypertonicity Of Liver 飧泄:Urgent Morning Diarrhea 急脉:Urgent Pulse 癃闭:Urinary Blockage 小便不利:Urinary Difficulty 小便:Urine 蒸热:Vaporized Heat 蒙蔽:Veils 透热:Vents Heat 透邪气:Vents Pathogenic Influences 透疹:Vents Rashes 透:Vents, Thrusts Out; Penetrates 眩:Vertigo 脉:Vessels, Meridians, Channels 壮火:Vigorous Fire 壮火食气:Vigorous Fire Consumes The Qi 壮热:Vigorous Fire, Sustained High Fever 醋:Vinegar 烈:Violent, Intense 虚火:Virtual Fire 虚热:Virtual Heat 客热:Visitant Heat 客气:Visitant Qi 视力障碍:Visual Disturbance 命门:Vital Gate 吐:Vomit, Spit Up 醒:Wakes, Awakens 萎黄:Wan 温下:Warm And Purge 温疫:Warm Epidemics 温病:Warm Pathogen Diseases 温热病:Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases 暖:Warms 温:Warms 温化寒痰:Warms And Transforms Cold-Phlegm 温经:Warms Menses 温里:Warms The Interior 温毒:Warm-Toxin 温病:Warn Illness 消渴:Wasting And ThIRSting Disorder, Unquenchable Thirst (Frequently Associated With Diabetes Mellitus) 水不涵木:Water Cannot Restrain Wood 水道:Water Pathway 水逆症:Water Rebellion Disorder 稀痰:Watery Sputum 四肢倦怠:Weak And Easily Fatigued Extremities 神倦:Weariness 磨积:Wears Down Accumulations 井穴:Well Point 湿润:Wet 喘:Wheezing 白屑风:White Scaling Wind 粉刺:White Thorns, Pimples 白带:White Vaginal Discharge 刻削:Whittles Away 风:Wind 风隐疹:Wind Concealed Rash; Urticaria 风痨:Wind Consumption 风湿:Wind Dampness 风水:Wind Edema 风邪:Wind Evil 风疹:Wind Rash 中风:Wind-Attack; Wind-Stroke 风寒:Wind-Cold 风寒袭肺:Wind-Cold Assaults The Lungs 风寒束表:Wind-Cold Fetters The Exterior 风湿:Wind-Dampness 风燥:Wind-Dryness 风热:Wind-Heat 风温:Wind-Warmth 酒:Wine 酒炒:Wine-fried 冬越伏暑:Winter-Extruding Lurking Summerheat 冬温:Winter-Warmth 弦脉:Wiry Pulse 子宫:Womb 胞:Womb, Bladder, Membrane 木:Wood, Wooden, Numbness 忧:Worry, Upset, Melancholy 血分证:Xue Fen Syndrome 阳:Yang 阳明:Yang Brightness 亡阳证:Yang Collapse 阳虚:Yang Deficiency 津:Yang Fluids, Thin Fluids 阳跷脉:Yang Heel Vessel 阳维脉:Yang Linking Vessel 阳明:Yang Ming 腑:Yang Organs, Bowels 阳虚:Yang Vacuity 阴:Yin 阴虚:Yin Deficiency 阴疽:Yin Flat Abscesses 液:Yin Fluids, Thick Fluids 阴跷脉:Yin Heel Vessel 阴维脉:Yin Linking Vessel 癫:Yin Madness 脏:Yin Organs, Viscera 阴虚:Yin Vacuity 阴虚火旺:Yin Vacuity And Internal Heat 阴阳:Yin Yang 脏腑:Zang Fu (Solid And Hollow Organs) |